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Zero Tolerance Policy

What is WMACS's Zero Tolerance Policy?​


  • WMACS Summer Camp has a zero tolerance policy for all participants, including campers, counselors, staff, volunteers, and any individuals associated with our activities. We do not tolerate bullying or discriminatory actions or speech throughout the duration of camp. Though not an exhaustive list, our policy prohibits the following: any physical or verbal forms of harassment, threats, intimidation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Any participant who experiences or witnesses bullying or discrimination is strongly encouraged to immediately report the incident to a counselor or staff member.


What is the purpose of a Zero Tolerance Policy?​​


  • WMACS Summer Camp strictly enforces a zero tolerance policy in alignment with our commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment. We strive for our camp to be a place where all participants feel safe and welcomed, so any forms of bullying and discrimination are not tolerated in our community.

How does this policy affect myself/my camper?​​


  • Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action(s) specific to each incident, and can range from warnings and phone calls home, to an IMMEDIATE removal from the program, exclusion from future programs, and/or other actions as deemed appropriate by the WMACS team, with no refund for missed days. We do not take removal from camp lightly and will only do so when we believe it is necessary for the operation or safety of our camp.

  • Prior to camp, please be sure to review these policies with your camper so they know what to expect. We will also communicate our policies and expectations with campers on the first day.

Questions? Concerns? We're here to answer any of your camp related questions! Just send us an email and we will get back to you ASAP!

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